Monday, October 12, 2009


My husband tells me that people do not think like me when it comes to deal finding. I don't know really. I figure that most people do the same things that I do, but maybe not.
Hang around long enough and you will become part of the deal finding craze as well.

I don't think it can be categorized into one main thing such as coupons or garage sales. My deals range from garage sales, clearance, coupons, saving money, tips, free samples, and the list goes on.

Why "Fru Fru Frugality"? Sometimes being frugal or thrifty can get a bad rap. Not so much right now because it is COOL to be frugal in the economic times in which we live.
Fru Fru came because I like a lot of people like my particular brands. Here's a secret, I rarely shop at Wal-Mart. Honestly, only a few times a year. So, in my desire for certain brands and labels I set out to get deals on that as well!

This is in no way to be considered to be financial advice in any way shape or form.

I will be back to post here at "Fru Fru" soon!

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